Living Life to The Fullest

Today, Dec. 21, 2012, is the much-hyped end of the world rumor. It is a rumor. The fact remains: Dec. 21, 2012 is the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, not necessarily the end of time as we know it. Days before this, I was thinking of what-ifs. The end of the world would come unexpectedly at any time. Have I lived my life to the fullest? 

With that, I introduce you to the planner that has changed my life: The Belle de Jour Power Planner. How did I come to know this great blessing? It is a long story but here is a short version of it...

I have always been an anime and cosplay fan since childhood. Back in 2011, I attended the event Animax K-On Cosplay Outing. The cosplayers there had a short photo op in The White Hat restaurant. So eventually, I liked The White Hat fan page in Facebook and  I got updates about the giveaways. One time, a renowned blogger Kumiko Mae posted that she would be giving away a 2011 Belle de Jour Power Planner. 

At first, I thought that Belle de Jour was an imported planner because of its name. I did research about it and I was glad that it was locally made after all. I found out about the coupons and the activities. But what attracted me most was the good and attractive illustrations of successful women. The colors and layouts were great as well. Furthermore, there were inspiring quotes about positivism, confidence, and living well in the pages. 

That is how I started my journey with Belle de Jour Power Planner. I never regretted buying the 2011 BDJ planner. 

My first BDJ Planner. Back in 2011.
Fortunately, BDJ is more than just a planner. It is an active community online and offline! Through the Belle de Jour FB page, they granted me access to events and meet-ups with my fellow Bellas. I learned a lot from the talks, ate great food (yeah!), won freebies, and met celebrities. Eventually, I started to go out of my shell and gained confidence. 

Of course, my world further expanded with 2012 Belle de Jour Power Planner. This year has been great! I met my favorite model Georgina Wilson, improved my makeup skills, learned martial arts, and rekindled my love for everything Filipino-madeAs I shared my BDJ experiences in this blog, my world of connections grew as well. I followed the blogs of other Bellas like RiaSharinaHelenAngel, and Hana-chan. I would like to meet more Bella Bloggers in the future. 

My 2012 BDJ Planner. 
And now... I'm excited for my third year with Belle de Jour! What else is in-store for me this year? Today is definitely not doomsday! There is still 2013 to look forward to! 

My 2013 BDJ Planner.
Even if I am still far from living my life to the fullest. I am happy to know that I am taking little steps in achieving it. Sometimes, we need a push to be able to move. In my case, it was the Belle de Jour team who gave me that push. 

I'm so thankful to Darlyn and the rest of the BDJ Team for bringing us this wonderful planner that is more than paper! So this doomsday, plan your 2013 with Belle de Jour Power Planner and live your life to the fullest!


Helen Blas saidā€¦
I love BDJ too! Hope to see you again soon, Angel! ā™„
Angel Mariel saidā€¦
Hi Helen! :) Thanks for dropping by! :) See you soon in future events :)

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