Setting Up a Gundam

Last Otaku Expo 2011, the Bandai Gundam Model Kit Caravan booth gave the opportunity to all attendees to setup a Gundam for free! I passed by it and a personnel invited me to join. Honestly, I didnā€™t plan to join at first because I have foreseen that it would take more than an hour to complete one Gundam. The details on the mini robot were overwhelming that I felt that way. It was already late in the afternoon and I didnā€™t want to go home late. But being an otaku through and through, I wasnā€™t able to resist the call of my geeky side. I accepted the Bandai personnelā€™s invitation and he then led me to my seat. He also gave me the Gundam assembly kit, nippers, and a coloring pen.
What? Why is this in Japanese? I thought to myself as I opened the kit and checked out the instruction manual. How did the others do this? I am familiar with Hiragana and Katakana but that didnā€™t help. Fortunately, after contemplating on the manual, I was able to follow the simple graphical instructions. I also compared the drawing with the real parts by vision to be sure.
I didnā€™t know what part 1 was all about. All I did was setup without asking what part of Gundam I was working on. It yielded the chest once it was done.
Then everything else fell into place.
Part 2: Head. For this one, I used the black colored pen to add the details. It was difficult for me to do so because I donā€™t have steady hands.
Part 3: Arms
Part 4: putting together parts 1,2, and 3
Yay! The upper extremity of my Gundam is done!

Part 5: legs
Part 6: feet
Part 7: putting together parts 4, 5, and 6
Part 8: adding the finishing touches to my Gundam. We were given the option to choose either sword or gun. I chose the sword to complement the shield.
Voila! It was all done! (^_^) I immediately submitted my Gundam for the contest as it was almost 6 PM. Thankfully, the staff still accepted my entry.
My Gundam was contestant number 75:
The judge looking for the most beautiful Gundams:
Congratulations to the winners!
I have a strong feeling that this marks my journey of being a Gundam Collector! Setting up one is tedious, but it gave me a fulfilling reward to share with others. 


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